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Anilist Updater

The inspiration behind this project was quite simple. I wanted to keep my Anilist updated with my current viewing status because the site is much better than MyAnimeList, but updating MyAnimeList is easier. So, I made this Python script to fetch and extract my current list from MyAnimeList, compare with Anilist to see any changes and update Anilist accordingly.

This project was fun because I went into it with basically no idea how to solve some of the problems I was anticipating. For example, MyAnimeList does not have a usable API. Which means I would have to get the anime list xml file that MyAnimeList provides manually. I didn't want to have to go to MyAnimeList every time and download this xml file, so I used Selenium to automate the process.

The Anilist API was also very fun to work with. This was my first time working with a GraphQL API and the technology is amazing.