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  • As a personal challenge, I applied to and got accepted into the highly competitive research internship program at KIXLAB led by Professor Juho Kim. I'm researching RAG based LLM systems, primarily for the conversational search domain.
  • I was hired as an intern at KAIST's SMILE Lab, tasked with the responsibility of developing and deploying a GUI and monitoring system for their localization hardware. Worked on building this system for them for about 3 months!
  • work KAIST ISSS Student Assistant
    Worked part-time at the KAIST ISSS (International Student Scholar Services) office. Responsibilities included greeting students, and helping with day-to-day office tasks.
  • work EFL Course TA
    Took on work as a course TA for EFL classes at KAIST! As a language learner myself, it was great to be able to assist Korean students in their efforts to learn English.
  • work Python Developer Internship at Gudo Investment Advisory
    Returned to Gudo Investment Advisory as Software Developer Intern. This time, I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to work closely with the other engineers on a large system migration project. This internship taught me a lot about what it's like to be a software engineer. From requirement engineering, regular meetings with product managers, frequent code reviews and the occasional overtime, I grew a lot as a software developer!
  • work Python Developer Internship at Gudo Investment Advisory
    Landed my first ever internship at Gudo Investment Advisory headquartered in Seoul, Korea. I was part of a lean team which creates and maintains internal tools used by the company's analysts to manage investment funds.
    I was working with various technologies to aid in my responsibilities, which include data science as well as web development.
  • After careful consideration, I was chosen to be the web division leader of KISA! My responsibilities include coordinating with the internal board of KISA (president, secretary and other division heads) and organizing, planning and executing development of new apps for the website.
  • KISA is a student led organization and represents the international community in KAIST. I joined as a member of the Web Division of KISA, tasked with development and maintenance of their website which is based on a Django backend. During my time here I've met some amazing people and also had the privilege of giving back to my community.
  • This course introduces some of the fundamental design methods used in programming which can be utilized to break down very complex programs into manageable pieces. They teach function design, data design and also provide a robust method to use recursion (which I've always struggled with). Although this course is targeted at beginners, self taught programmers like myself have much to gain from this seemingly basic course.
  • Began my undergrad journey at KAIST in Fall '20. Onto the next chapter of my life!
  • book CS50 AI
    Great course that is an amazing first taste of the current state of Artificial Intelligence in programming. The projects were amazing and insightful and I learned a lot. Definitely inspired a lot of projects!
  • Got a good taste of the extent to which Python can be used to study and visualize data while working with pandas, numpy and scipy (Also my first taste of generating predictions using AI!)
  • work Tutoring Gig
    Back to back firsts! Got my first real job as a private tutor. I teach A level Maths, Physics and Chemistry. It's great being able to make my own money and it's also a great refresher to the concepts I studied during A levels
  • flight_takeoff Malaysia Trip
    Flew to Malaysia with a friend and spent New Year's there! This was my first international trip without my family and it definitely taught me a lot about taking on responsibilities and planning trips. Talk about starting off the decade with a bang!
  • school Finished A Levels!
    After four pain staking years of hard work, finally finished O and A Levels and graduated high school with stellar grades!
  • laptop NC Tech Club
    Participated in a coding club. Made some valuable connections, strengthened my coding foundations and learned a lot of important lessons
  • code Practice
    Put my head down and cranked out project after project, testing out my new found coding skills. Most of them aren't any good but each of them made me a better coder
  • stars Edexcel High Achievers Award!
    Got the Edexcel High Achievers Award for my performance in O Levels
  • book CS50W
    Dived deeper into web dev while doing the projects for this course. This course definitely dropped me in to the rabbit hole of web dev, and I love it
  • book CS50
    Started my coding journey by completing this online course offered by Harvard on edX
  • school Finished O Levels!
    Completed O levels